Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Temporary Stasis

This blog is going into temporary stasis whilst I mess around with the layout, domain and whatnot. And that's why I haven't posted for two weeks as well...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

TWINCG - Finecast Will Become Fine

Welcome to yet another article on This Week In Non-Competitive Gaming, where I make some form of enraged rant about something or another on a weekly basis! Fun, right?  Once again I’d like to focus on one of the recent controversial issues of 40k, Citadel Finecast, which personally I like.After I bought 6 Finecast models, all of which were in perfect condition, I began to like–gasp!-them, and after my recent purchases of two more Shadowseers, which are also perfect, I thought I might defend them a bit more.This time, however I’m not going to force evidence and whatnot down your throat, rather encourage you too remember the launch of plastic...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Exodites: Conversion Tutorial

I know I've been quiet for a while, but Uni sucked up a lot of my time this week.  So, to make up for that, I decided to throw together a tutorial for converting Exodites or plastic Rangers/Pathfinders, for a relatively cheap cost. WHAT YOU NEED 1x Guardian Defender Squad ($55 AUD) 1x Wood Elf Glade Guard Kit ($50 AUD)This gives you enough to construct 10, individually posed models that are already cheaper then the Finecast Rangers which are $110 AUD for 10, with only five poses and also will have an additional 6 spare components for future conversions. Now, onto the tutorial.  Once again, I apologise for the picture quality, I am...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Exodites: Resin Bases?

I know, I know... Today was meant to be a Codex Review Day, but I haven't finished it yet, Seer Councils require significant depth. Do not despair however! I will put it up on the weekend, provided it is completed by then of course. Rather, today I am going to discuss the main choices of resin bases for Exodite armies. Such bases tend to be more urban orientated, so there is a very limited choice, however with any luck, the ones I've found will suit your taste. First up we have Dragon Forge's Lost Empire base range, which only cos about $1 a base and have a wide variety of sizes for all models you have. Our next items are from...

Monday, June 27, 2011

TWINCG - Mantic Games: Defender of Decency!

Yet another week has gone past, so it’s now time for yet another This Week In Non-Competitive Gaming! Though it is more This Week In Competitive Capitalism, Or Lack There Of. Recently, after my daily trolling over on BOLS, I have found myself infuriated by the comments on Mantic’s new game Warpath. The main criticisms of the game are that Mantic are just ripping off GW’s ideas. The ignorance of this statement, while versed in some from of truth, is quite annoying to me. Firstly, GW are not the sole owners of the Fantasy in Space setting, which was built upon the Fantasy setting, which was built upon the Middle-Earth setting and so on...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Exodites: It has just begun...

Well, this is the humble beginnings of my new Exodite army...  I'm still restricted to my iPhone, so once again I apologise for the quality of the pictures; they look much better in real life, I assure you! Well, without further ado I shall begin! War Walker Back of War Walker Blurry Exodite Rangers/Exodites I do intend to have a conversion guide or painting guide up this friday, one of the two. They are mainly a kitbash, but with some fiddly bits and the painting is also somewhat straight forward, albeit time consuming. And there we have it! Thought, criticisms, unfathomable rage? How do you guys go about ...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Storm of Magic. Son, I am Disappoint

Well, initially, I was very excited about the release of Storm of Magic, being a Fantasy player myself. However it has turned into a bit of a failfest. 8th Edition already has some serious flaws, like OP magic and hordes and now these are becoming even more pronounced in the new expansion, and I quote ...With monumental spells, wizards raining meteors out of the sky and monsters the size of houses tearing up enemy units with impunity.Added to that, they have got none other than Mat Ward to write the damn thing, with his previous foray into Fantasy resulting in the monstrosity  that was the Chaos Daemons Army Book, one which even a inexperienced...

TF2 Now Free

Team Fortress two is now free on Steam! Get it here! If anyone wants to play some games with me, drop a comment below. For those of you who have never heard of it, it is a crazy FPS by Valve, who made for Left for Dead, Portal, Half Life and Counterstrike, all amazing games in their own right. It's a light hearted, fun and incredibly addictive game, so downloaded it, I mean, it's free you know...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Calling all Eldar Accepters

Calling all Eldar bloggers! Do you want to support our cause in creating a far more accepting and non-segregated blogging world Do you have a genuine love for Eldar? Do you wish to save their species from extinction? Do you want to change the galaxy, saving one Eldar at a time? If so, join our blogroll! Drop a comment with a link to your Eldar related blog and I'll add you quite happily. Hopefully, this site will eventually become a meeting point as such for all Eldar players, but we need your help to achieve this dre...

Eldar Codex Review: Farseer

Next up is the Farseer, the pimp daddy of all HQ choices in the Eldar codex.  If you’re not using one, then your either using Eldrad, a dual Autarch build or have no intention of winning games.  Essentially, if you don’t have him/her in your list, you might want to make an appointment with a Phsyciartrist.  And that is said in all seriousness.  Of course there are some exceptions to this rule, however they are few and far between. TACTIAL VALUE I can sum this up in very few words: Space Elf Chuck Norris.  S/he tends to be orientated towards beefing up other Eldar units.  While they can hold their own in close...

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