Well, I decided to create this little blog for one reason in particular, to create a place where all kinds of Eldar players can meet and discuss Eldar related issues.
Why do I think this is needed?
Well, that's easy. The 40k blogosphere is dominated by Guard and Marine players, not that this is bad, however it limits the following xenos races have on the interwebs.
"But I play Deldar!" I here you cry. Not to worry. This blog is for all kinds of Eldar; Corsairs, Craftworlds, Harlequins, Exodites, Dark Eldar and even Croneworld Eldar, so regardless of what form you play, hopefully there is something for everyone here!
So firstly, I'm not the best player; actually I'm terrible. However I greatly enjoy the hobby aspect of Warhammer, which is what my posts are mostly going to involve. I may later manage to... encourage some gameplay orientated Eldar players, provided anyone actually reads the blog!
So essentially, welcome to my little corner of the Internet, I hope you enjoy your stay!
3 mutterings:
Oh, man! Totally don't play Eldar or Dark Eldar of any kind but may I say FIRST SUBSCRIBER! Woot! :)
Hahaha, sorry mate, but you're not....
I actually don't have the followers list on the side, only the follow button.
Sorry to disappoint you! :P
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